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Main Hall v. Main Room

Main Hall v. Main Room
Posted by GigG45 (VIP) Apr 23 2021 11:23AM

What's the difference between the main room and the main hall. It seems to be just putting less players in a room hence making it harder to finds a game.

Main Hall / Main Room
Posted by ChrisCrossed (TD) Apr 25 2021 8:17PM

Hi there.. there is no difference, these are both terms referring to the Main Hall. In Gin Rummy, there are only two room options on the list... one for Main Hall and one for Tournament room... So all players looking for open ticket games and/or freeplay gather in Main Hall.

Main Hall / Main Room
Posted by GigG45 (VIP) Apr 28 2021 10:50AM

For a little while on 4/23 there were three rooms Main Room, Main Hall, and tournament room. The two "main" rooms had different people in them. That's why I asked.

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